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Faculty Workshops:
-File and strategic planning workshop for administrators.
- A workshop on the basics of the book and controls the university.
- Leadership workshop methods and patterns and skills (academics - administrators)
- A workshop on raising the efficiency of library staff
- Financial and legal aspects (academics - administrators)
- Workshop on the opinions and proposals to modernize and develop the vision, mission and objectives and overall strategy
- A workshop on raising the efficiency of laboratory workers
- A workshop under the title of statistical tests
- Workshop on the role of nursing and nursing responsibilities for Meserat seriously
- Workshop on the use of technology in education
- Workshop on Strategic Planning for Staff
- Workshop on the development of the preliminary version of the strategic plan to challenge the weaknesses and strengths
- Workshop on the regulations and policies of the college and university legal and financial aspects
- Ways and methods of scientific research
- Workshop on the opinions and proposals to modernize and develop visions, mission and objectives and strategy of the College
- A workshop on thinking skills and effective communication
- Workshop on the opinions and proposals to modernize and develop the vision, mission and strategic goals of the College
- Strengths and weaknesses of the Faculty of Nursing
- Workshop on the continuous development and rehabilitation of Dependence